
The impact of widening price gap on power market and energy storage?Look at the NDRC and CCTV's interpretation

Release time:2019/02/26Clicks:Loading...
Source: Polaris energy storage network
On July 2, the national development and reform commission (NDRC) issued the "opinions on innovating and improving the price mechanism for promoting green development", which requires widening the price difference between peak and trough periods, and encourages energy-storage enterprises to play the role of cutting peak and filling valley and participate in power market transactions to obtain benefits.At 10 am on the same day, the national development and reform commission also held a press conference to interpret the opinions in detail.Yesterday evening 20:30, CCTV 2 economic channel broadcast of economic information network reported on this, about the widening peak and valley price gap on the power market, CCTV reporters in zhenjiang, jiangsu province energy storage power station conducted an investigation and interview.

The host:

What highlights does the electricity price mechanism have this time?This time, all localities can, in combination with local reality, expand the implementation scope of peak and valley electricity price, dynamically adjust peak and valley time, and increase the price difference between peak time and trough time. We know that electricity price is the main aspect of enterprise operating cost. What kind of change will the price difference between peak time and trough time bring to the power market?Let's continue our reporter's investigation in zhenjiang.

Zhenjiang in jiangsu since entering the summer, electricity peak load are maintained rapid growth trend, as part of the thermal power unit of jiangsu province 30 years due to shut down, new gas unit construction schedule delays, the summer peak period, eastern zhenjiang grid will appear power gap, to alleviate the pressure of the power supply, the national electricity grid in zhenjiang east built the world's largest group of grid side energy storage power station, is expected to large-scale operation in July.

Deputy general manager of state grid jiangsu integrated service company: li xiang

"It seems that we have installed a charging treasure on the side of the power grid, and this charging treasure is an intelligent charging treasure, which is charged in the low peak stage of electricity consumption when using the valley at night and discharged in the daytime.

The reporter learned that zhenjiang danyang jianshan energy storage power station has been officially connected to the grid, the most critical battery technology has been a breakthrough, will help the grid to achieve the balance of peak and valley electricity, to supplement the grid's peak gap.


General manager of zhongtian new energy industry group: cao hongbin

"Lithium iron phosphate battery is used for charging and discharging. The biggest characteristic of lithium iron phosphate is its long life. It can be charged and discharged up to 6,000 times.

Energy storage power stations can not only supplement the power generation of power grid, but also help industrial enterprises to use the peak and valley price difference of power grid to reduce the cost of power consumption as the backup power source during peak power consumption or even power limit.


Jiangsu ceramic mirror co., LTD. Equipment manager: tian yufeng

"This project is to use at night when more than 3 MAO KWH, we charge this battery, charge in the daytime, is peak power 1 more money KWH when a discharge operation.

The person in charge of the project told the reporter that at present, the price difference of peak and valley of jiangsu province's electricity consumption has exceeded 70 cents, and the price difference can basically cover the investment cost of battery and meet the conditions of commercial operation, which can reduce the investment of power grid and the cost of power consumption of enterprises through market means.


Changxing taihu nenggu technology co., LTD. CEO: wu jianbin

"Then the state should give a push (on the peak-to-trough tariff policy), especially some enterprises, which have reached a critical point in technology and are about to step in, can assume their own profits and losses."

Press conference policy interpretation

In terms of increasing the implementation of peak and valley electricity prices and guiding users to use electricity in different peak periods, it has played a positive role in improving the utilization efficiency of power resources.The opinions further strengthened the implementation of the peak-valley electricity price policy. On the one hand, it allowed local governments to combine their own reality to widen the price difference between peak and trough periods.On the other hand, you can determine and dynamically adjust the peak and valley periods.The policy of peak and valley electricity price creates conditions for the development of energy storage industry and industry. Energy storage enterprises can make profits and achieve benign development by buying low price electricity at low period and selling high price electricity.The development of energy storage industry not only involves several enterprises, but also has great significance for improving the operation efficiency of the whole power grid system and reducing the operation cost of the power system.

In addition, in 2014, the national development and reform commission issued a price policy to support the development of new energy vehicles, that is, the electricity charge of centralized charging and changing facilities will be exempted from the capacity electricity charge.To further support the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, the guideline extended the policy until 2025.In general, many policies and measures have been put forward to promote energy conservation and environmental protection industry development by using the lever of electricity price.

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