
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: overall layout of Power Battery Recycling and Utilization Enterprises

Release time:2019/02/24Clicks:Loading...
Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
 According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, waste battery contains rich valuable metal resources such as lithium, nickel, cobalt and so on. In order to improve the comprehensive utilization level of waste power batteries, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued and implemented the "New Energy vehicle waste Power Battery Comprehensive Utilization Industry Standard conditions" and the interim measures for announcement and Management, and actively cultivated key enterprises in the industry. Support enterprises to develop recycling technologies and processes.
 At present, the quantity of waste battery is still very small, the waste battery used by enterprise mainly comes from the incomplete product produced in the research and manufacture process of battery production enterprise, as well as the battery of "ten thousand projects" to promote the decommissioned battery of vehicle. The recycling technology of waste power battery is mainly hydrometallurgy and physical remediation, and the comprehensive recovery of Ni, Co, mn and other metal elements in hydrometallurgy can reach 98%. Overall, the recycling technology is relatively mature, but the key technologies and equipment such as efficient extraction of valuable metals need to be upgraded, the pollution prevention and treatment level of waste power batteries needs to be improved, and the recycling of lithium iron phosphate batteries needs to be improved. Facing the problem of poor economy.
 Content: electric vehicle batteries recycle more than 100,000 tons a year, where do they end up?
 In 2018, the state has formulated a lot of policies to promote the recycling of power batteries. At the same time, it has also carried out pilot work on recycling and utilization of power batteries in many cities. The purpose is to standardize the recycling industry of power batteries and do a good job in the recovery of power batteries.
 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: overall layout of Power Battery Recycling and Utilization Enterprises
At present, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Shanxi, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region, Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai and Ningbo have been identified. Xiamen City and China Railway Tower Co., Ltd. for power battery recycling pilot areas and enterprises.
 Vigorously promote Battery Recycling to bring into play the maximum value of Battery
 After 2018, the new energy automobile power battery will enter the large-scale decommissioning, and it is expected that the recovery of the power battery will reach 11.14 million tons in 2019, and it will reach 25.7 million tons by 2020, and it is urgent to solve the problem of recycling and re-utilization of the waste power battery.
 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: overall layout of Power Battery Recycling and Utilization Enterprises
 Take ternary battery as an example, its positive electrode contains a lot of precious metals, of which cobalt accounts for 5%, nickel accounts for 5%, manganese accounts for 7%, lithium accounts for 2% and 7% plastic, and most of the metals are rare metals. Should be reasonably recycled and reused. Cobalt, for example, as a strategic resource, is widely used in many fields, such as lithium batteries and superalloys. It can be reckoned that the amount of precious metals recovered is enormous.
 At present, driven by policies, interests, responsibilities and other multiple driving forces, Ningde era, BYD, Guoxuan Gaoke, Camel shares, CAAC lithium power, Huayu Co industry and other battery manufacturers and material manufacturers, All of them have begun to work on the layout of power battery recovery.
 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: overall layout of Power Battery Recycling and Utilization Enterprises
 And in the local policy, also introduced a variety of subsidies to promote battery recycling, encourage power battery recycling. For enterprises selling new energy vehicles in Shenzhen, including local production enterprises and legal sales enterprises authorized by foreign manufacturers in Shenzhen, special funds for recovery and disposal of power batteries are calculated according to the standard of 20 yuan / kilowatt-hour. A subsidy shall be given to the enterprise according to 50% of the amount determined by the audit if the fund for recovery and disposal of the power battery is provided according to the requirement; Shanghai recycling power battery 1000 yuan / set of incentives.
 The recycled batteries are mainly used step by step and dismantled and recycled.
 At present, there are two feasible treatment methods for waste power batteries.
 Step-by-step utilization, decommissioned power batteries from electric vehicles, in good battery condition, can be used in power station energy storage, power network energy storage and other related fields as the carrier of electric energy storage, giving play to the residual value.
 The main elements of batteries, such as Ni, Co, mn, Cu, Al, Li and so on, can be recovered, so that the recycling of battery materials can be realized and the manufacturing cost can be reduced. At present, the main reason is that lithium iron phosphate battery can exert the surplus value through the successive utilization, while the batteries of ternary materials have different technical standards due to the lack of technical specifications in the early stage of the country, which leads to the uneven technical standards of the ternary materials batteries produced in the early stage. For example, it is necessary to test the battery for ladder utilization, and the risk of the test process is great, so the ternary material battery is still mainly disassembled.
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