
A new round of environmental protection storm is about to hit and launch the three major defense wars.

Release time:2019/02/26Clicks:Loading...

Source: Shanghai Securities Journal | author: Li Yuan
A new round of environmental defence has begun. Reporters comb found that Hebei, Beijing, Jiangxi and other places have been issued blue sky, clear water clean land three major defense policies. At the same time, this year will start the second round of central environmental inspectors, it is reported that preparations are tight deployment.
According to the arrangement, a resolute victory in the Blue Sky Defense War is still the top priority in 2019. In addition to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has a clear plan of action, the place is also a non-stop.
Jiujiang, for example, has decided to launch a 60-day campaign to combat air pollution in central urban areas from Feb. 1 this year. In order to fight the blue sky defense war in 2019, Jiangsu Nanjing issued 57 measures to focus on the focus, precision pollution control. These measures include implementing the eco-environmental protection requirements of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and promoting the relocation and upgrading of key enterprises along the Yangtze River in an orderly manner. Strict control of the "two high" industry capacity, iron and steel, coking, electrolytic aluminum, casting, cement and flat glass and other production capacity.
On the issue of fighting a good battle for the protection of green water, Li Gan-Jie, minister of ecological and environmental affairs, once revealed that the Yangtze River will be fully protected and repaired this year, urban black and stinky water bodies will be treated, and Bohai Sea will be comprehensively managed. Agricultural and rural pollution control and other action plans or implementation plans.
Authorities in Hebei province said recently that water quality improvement will be the core, focusing on five major areas, in-depth promotion of water pollution prevention and control. Xiongan New area has become one of the five key areas. Its tasks include coordinating the management and protection of the Baiyangdian Basin, strengthening the ecological construction of the upper reaches and maintaining the functions of water conservation, and systematically managing industry, urban life, and agriculture and rural areas in the Xiongan New area and its surrounding areas. Tourism development and other pollution sources. Anhui Province will continue to fight the fight against urban black and stinky water bodies this year to ensure that the proportion of urban black and smelly water bodies is eliminated to more than 90 percent. At the same time, we should strengthen regular monitoring and follow-up, and establish and improve long-term water quality management and protection. Mechanisms
One of the most important signs of this year's Pure Land Defense War is the official implementation of soil pollution prevention and control on January 1. The law clarifies the main responsibility of enterprises to prevent soil pollution, strengthens the responsibility of polluter management, and clarifies the supervision responsibility of the government and related departments. It is understood that the supporting rules of the soil pollution control law will be issued one after another, and it is expected that the relevant control actions will be launched throughout the country.
Local policies are also being followed up. Hebei pointed out that we should accelerate the detailed investigation of soil pollution of agricultural land in the province and complete the environmental risk assessment and achievement integration of agricultural land by the end of June this year. Ningxia requires that construction industry policies should be banned to eliminate new capacity projects in the category of projects and overcapacity industries.
Jiangsu Province recently issued a request to strictly prohibit the Yangtze River mainstream and major tributaries within 1 km of the layout of chemical parks and chemical enterprises. Strict environmental assessment examination and approval of chemical projects, raising the threshold of entry, new chemical projects should not be less than 1 billion yuan in principle investment, not to build, rebuild, and expand three types of intermediate projects.
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